Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Congratulations, America!

Welcome to Postmodern Accident, wherein your host in smug giddyness is celebrating the fact that it looks like Barack Obama has just been elected one of the most esteemed leaders of the free world. At the moment I am writing this, Obama has taken Ohio and Pennsylvania both, which more or less clinches the election.


I am very pleased to say that despite the fact that most of my extended family lives in Missouri with their heads securely up their asses and some of my best friends proved themselves hopelessly out of touch with the needs of the country (and thankfully said friends wasted their votes in the deep blue of California), those of us who believe that Obama represents a change in our country's international standing and hope for our future have prevailed.

I have to scratch my head in complete bewilderment at anyone's support of John McCain at this point, who has run a terribly negative campaign based on discrediting his opponent with false and cheap fear tactics rather than emphasizing his own strengths and ably demonstrating his ability to lead. His horrific selection of a running mate should have been a red flag to you that his judgment was impaired.


Although I have certainly enjoyed watching Diane Sawyer giggle as she shimmies across the floor of the ABC News studio in Times Square, I am forced to consider that this is the first presidential election in which I've taken part where I haven't had Peter Jennings as my evening's guide.

Peter Jennings
You were a class act, Mr. Jennings, and sadly a casualty of your love for cigarettes. ABC News is not the same without you.

But this evening is not about sadness!!! Leave it to RTW to find a reason to mourn tonight.

In honor of a great day, the blog is turning blue for a time.


allison said...

You know, I said the exact same thing about Jennings last night. My roommate prefers to watch ABC because of Stephanopoulos, and I'm always kind of casually bitchy about it. And she said, "is there another channel that you'd prefer to watch?" And I said, "honestly, I think I'm just mad that none of them are Peter Jennings, so it doesn't really matter either way." Glad to know someone else remembers/misses him too. But, go Obama!

cybil. said...

it is a great day, indeed! if only you had cable, you could have distracted yourself with the holographics on CNN. seriously, i was watching last night and i thought, could a minority report reality be far behind? it was freaky.

Anonymous said...

From a tiny blue county in a very red state, cheers.